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the main gripe i have with this game is the difficulty i have playing it on this website. The camera turning is finnickey and i dont know whether thats intentional, i keep having to move my mouse outside the game window before moving it to the other side to turn a full 180 degrees. I also think it may have some bugs since i saw at that in the promo images there was textured walls but all im seeing is a clear sky. I like the idea, im just struggling to play the game

(1 edit)

thank you! Can you let me know your gpu model please? Web assembly is very hit and miss with all the different GPUs. If you want, windows build should work much better.

This game is actually quite interesting :) It looks deceiving, but I like the theme of it

thank you! Can you elaborate on why it looks deceiving?

The assets are simplistic, which lead me to think the game would be too, but the game mechanics are is surprisingly deep and so is the narrative :)

ah yes, thank you! I’m better at coding than I am with blender 😅